We are very pleased to announce yet another two speakers for CSSconf EU 2017: David Khourshid and Guil Hernandez. These two (magical) Floridians are bringing with them a couple of really interesting talks: David will tell us about the power of using functional reactive programming with CSS, and Guil about how to leverage new CSS features to improve your projects and workflow. We are super excited to hear both of them come early May.
David Khourshid
Getting Reactive with CSS

You’ve probably seen David’s über impressive (pure) CSS animations on CodePen, but if not you really need to check them out right right now:
See the Pen Alex the CSS Husky by David Khourshid (@davidkpiano) on CodePen.
For CSSconf EU 2017, David will be bringing a new talk about highly interactive and reactive interfaces, and how to build them. He will show not only how we can use CSS variables in cooperation with functional reactive programming to express animations, style, and layout, but how we can express them in newer and more powerful ways not previously possible in CSS, and indeed how they can be used to push the limits of styling on the Web.
Learn more about David and his talk and follow @davidkpiano on Twitter.
Guil Hernandez
Get Ready for the Future of CSS!

You may have seen Guil before over at Treehouse where he teaches CSS (and very well, might we add). Here he is in action:

At the conference, Guil will be bringing his didactic chops out of the video stream and onto the stage for us to cover some exciting new features in CSS. He’ll be talking about color manipulation, custom properties, selectors level 4, new media query functionality, as well as in-browser design features. He’ll show us how to leverage these features to empower our workflows and improve our projects.
Learn more about Guil and his talk and follow @guilh on Twitter.
Did we mention we’re excited? Regular tickets are back on sale today!